XXVII Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Química
A Hovione apoia o XXVII Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Química, que irá decorrer de 14 a 16 de julho de 2021, sob o tema “A Química e as Oportunidades na Sociedade Global”. O programa científico tem o contributo de oradores nacionais e internacionais de renome e vai desenrolar-se num modelo misto, que permitirá a participação presencial (muito limitada) ou remota, através de uma plataforma virtual.
A Hovione participa com duas apresentações:
Dia 14 de julho, 16h10
Calorimetry of NBS in DMF: unstable or understudied?
Orador: Elsa Gonçalves – Process Safety Scientist, Process Chemistry Development
Abstract: The presentation portrays the contribution of the Process Safety team to ensure the safety and improvement of the chemical processes being conducted at the Hovione plant. Elsa will present a recent case study in which the Process safety input was crucial for the optimization of the process, reducing its hazardous and increasing its efficiency.
Dia 15 de julho, 16h30
Low-field Benchtop NMR for solvent swap analysis
Orador: Marta Andrade – Scientist, Process Chemistry Development
Abstract: The presentation will show the results of an extensive study using a benchtop low-field NMR spectrometer (1H-NMR, 43 MHz) to quantify solvents in 20 binary systems that are commonly used for swap process under API manufacture processes. The exciting results open the way to use benchtop low-field NMR as PAT tool for real-time solvent swap in-process control, saving time and resources.